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Three Steps To Take When Dreams Don't Come True

Three Steps To Take When Dreams Don't Come True

You've dreamed about your future a million times. You believed you had everything planned out. You visualized a bright future for yourself and allowed that spark of hope to grow inside you. Then, something transpired, and it now looks like you're on a different path than the one you intended. It seems like your vision is shattered. You noticed that plan in your mind's eye so o...

Experiencing Loss Outside of Death

Experiencing Loss Outside of Death

Our experts on counseling in Windermere understand that grief and loss are hard to comprehend. But, a loss doesn't always mean death. Sometimes there's a void in your life, or something you cherish is suddenly missing, yet nobody has died. You've not gone to any funerals. No one has made a casserole. But something is still different. There's been a palpable change; you mus...

Five Ways To Manage Anxiety As A Parent

Five Ways To Manage Anxiety As A Parent

Parenting is the hardest and most important thing you've ever done. But unfortunately, there are so many things that can cause parents stress. And then, that pressure can lead to anxiety, making parenting even more difficult! So here are some easy ways to help you manage stress and discover a bit more serenity for yourself. ...

Understanding PTSD Treatment

Understanding PTSD Treatment

First, it is essential to acknowledge that everybody is different, and everyone's background with PTSD is diverse; therefore, everybody's treatment will be a little different. For example, the trauma counseling in Orlando that supports a retired Vietnam vet in coping with decades-old trauma that still plagues him in his dreams may be a little different than the treatment of a coll...

Five Types of Self-Care for Parents of Special Needs Children

Five Types of Self-Care for Parents of Special Needs Children

The idea of selflessness is often viewed as a virtue, yet, if we fail to satisfy our own needs and care for ourselves, we are less capable of helping and serving others. As a parent of a youngster with special needs, you likely spend most of your days so engaged with the demanding needs of your household that you fail to take care of yourself. Our experts on family and couple's counse...

What to Expect from Trauma Treatment

What to Expect from Trauma Treatment

Visualize a mountain range. You've been told that there is a beautiful valley on the other side. You determine that you need to get to this tranquil, calm, and safe valley. So you prepare and set off to traverse the perilous mountain range. It's a challenging journey, and even after you reach the top of the largest mountain, you discover there are still some smaller ones beyond it...

Four Tips for Managing Life Transitions

Four Tips for Managing Life Transitions

The only guarantee in life is change. Truer words have seldom been spoken. Change is often good. Life shifts and transitions can lead to a more promising future and are often essential and out of our command. Still, the stress associated with changing can be overwhelming. Whether you are attempting to find a way ahead after the loss of a loved one, starting college, initiating a co-parent...

Understanding Adult Children of Divorced Parents

Understanding Adult Children of Divorced Parents

Young children are full of curiosity, wonder, and plenty of energy! Fortunately, they are also full of integrity, so adults must protect them from dangerous circumstances and undue heartaches. But, sadly, that isn't always manageable, especially regarding divorce. Children of couples who choose to divorce often feel like their whole world is turned upside down. But how does ...

Tips to Help Your Child or Pre-Teen Cope With Divorce:

Tips to Help Your Child or Pre-Teen Cope With Divorce:

Be honest in an age-appropriate manner. Younger kids need fewer details than older ones but still require openness. Occasionally it may even be reasonable to say, "That's between the grown-ups but understand that we both love you." Bypass directly lying as it can confuse and sends the incorrect message. For example, a young child asks, "Are you sad, Mom?" If you re...

Why Women Delay Reporting Rape

Why Women Delay Reporting Rape

Many people wonder why women fail to report sexual violence immediately. It differs based on the situation, and the reasons can be complicated, but here are a few reasons we hear during individual therapy in Orlando: The victim often doesn't directly acknowledge or label the occasion as an attack, trauma, or act of sexual abuse. They might not even comprehend that what they ...

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Rise above any circumstance, for GROWTH, EMPOWERMENT, and better QUALITY of life!
Call today for more information. Follow Orlando Thrive on Facebook or Instagram.

(407) 592-8997

216 Pasadena Pl
Orlando, Florida 32803
Heather Oller

Heather Oller is the owner and founder of Orlando Thrive Therapy, Coaching, and Counseling. She is a licensed counselor and a family mediator who has over 23 years of dedicated work as a professional in the mental health field. Through her company's mission, she continues to pave the way for future therapists, and their clients, who want a higher quality of life....and who want to thrive, rather than just survive. You can contact Orlando Thrive Therapy at (407) 592-8997 for more information.