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Common Causes Of Insomnia

Common Causes Of Insomnia

You're not alone if you continually struggle with falling asleep at night. According to the National Institutes of Health, nearly 20% of Americans struggle with sleep disorders. Our experts on mental health therapy in Winter Park remind you that not getting enough rest can leave you tired and cranky and harm your overall mental health. ...

Ways To Support Your Transgender Teen

Ways To Support Your Transgender Teen

Your teen just informed you that they don't believe they are the gender you assumed they were. Your teen is transgender. Or gender fluid. Or something else completely. Your child was born looking one way. Male or female. It seemed pretty apparent to you, so you picked a name for them that fit the gender you saw. You clothed them in cute, frilly dresses or handsome sweaters and bowties...

Five Tips For Creating Friendships In Midlife

Five Tips For Creating Friendships In Midlife

For many people, middle age is a trigger to take inventory of life. Your kids have flown the nest, and there's time to rethink your preferences, aversions, objectives, and ambitions. According to our experts on counseling in Winter Park, middle-age is when you look around at your social circles. Are your friendships still working? Have you lost friends due to illness, a relo...

Self-Care is Not Selfish

Self-Care is Not Selfish

Think about the last time you took a trip on a plane. Now try to recall what your flight attendant said during her safety demonstration. If you're like us, it's simple to tune it out because it feels like the demonstration is consistently the same. Of course, there may be some subtle differences depending on the kind of plane you're traveling on or the airline. However, one th...

Recognizing The Signs of PTSD

Recognizing The Signs of PTSD

As horrifying examples of mass shootings continue to happen throughout the United States, we frequently hear people speak about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD. Often associated with post-war vets and victims of mass violence, PTSD is a psychiatric condition that can materialize in people who've shared or seen a traumatic or life-threatening circumstance. However, th...

Three Reasons to Love Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy

Three Reasons to Love Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy

We live in an age where various ways exist to relieve suffering from anxiety, depression, and trauma. Many of these have yielded favorable results and let people take back their lives. One of these approaches, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, or EMDR therapy in Orlando, has become increasingly prevalent and proven to be practical in treating trauma and PTSD, anxiety and pani...

Five Signs That You May Struggle With Anxiety

Five Signs That You May Struggle With Anxiety

It's normal to feel worried from time to time. Maybe you get a bit anxious talking in front of people or going for a job interview. But occasionally, anxiety becomes a routine and destructive occurrence that totally takes over people's lives. It can begin to look more like an anxiety disorder and signal that it's time to seek anxiety therapy. Dr. Phillips can help, so call us ...

Understanding The Difference Between Values and Goals

Understanding The Difference Between Values and Goals

Values and goals are tools you can use daily to help keep yourself pushing forward and leading a meaningful life. People sometimes get these two concepts confused, so our expert on anxiety and marriage counseling, Dr. Phillips, wants us to take a minute to explain the difference and how both can be helpful. Goa...

Grounding Stones: A Coping Skill For Stress, Anxiety & Life

Grounding Stones: A Coping Skill For Stress, Anxiety & Life

If you seek some grounding strategies for anxiety, our anxiety therapists know how to help you discover coping methods that work for you. Grounding strategies help you relate to the moment in a nonjudgmental, practical way, helping you feel more connected. We recommend clients employ grounding techniques to empty their minds of anxiety and stress. It's great to rehearse even when you ...

How to Help Address a Loved One's Anxiety

How to Help Address a Loved One's Anxiety

It's difficult to see a loved one suffering from anxiety. You understand they're miserable but don't understand how to help. Do you hop in and reassure them everything is okay? Do you accommodate their appeals to dodge situations or tell them to suck it up? What should you do when you are feeling frustrated? When a companion or loved one suffers from anxiety, it can ...

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Rise above any circumstance, for GROWTH, EMPOWERMENT, and better QUALITY of life!
Call today for more information. Follow Orlando Thrive on Facebook or Instagram.

(407) 592-8997

216 Pasadena Pl
Orlando, Florida 32803
Heather Oller

Heather Oller is the owner and founder of Orlando Thrive Therapy, Coaching, and Counseling. She is a licensed counselor and a family mediator who has over 23 years of dedicated work as a professional in the mental health field. Through her company's mission, she continues to pave the way for future therapists, and their clients, who want a higher quality of life....and who want to thrive, rather than just survive. You can contact Orlando Thrive Therapy at (407) 592-8997 for more information.