Services Offered


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At Orlando Thrive Therapy, we offer expert Relationship Counseling and Marriage Therapy with certified relationship experts to help you rebuild and maintain the loving relationship you truly desire.

These services are good for any couple, during any stage of their relationship.

Gottman Method Couples Counseling

  • Repair,
  • Reframe,
  • Rebuild,
  • Redefine.
~ Overcome Relationship Barriers, and Restructure The Foundation of Your Relationship. Learn How to Thrive In Your Relationship, Rather Than Just Survive. ~

Emotionally Focused Therapy

  • Intensive,
  • Interactive,
  • Intuitive,
  • Implementable.
~ Move Past Emotional Blocks And Relationship Trauma. Connect More Deeply; With Purpose, Passion, and Fulfillment. ~

  Certifies Couples Counseling  

  • Enhance,
  • Equip,
  • Enrich,
  • Express.
~ Couples Therapy For Any Relationship Stage Designed To Teach Couples What It Takes To Build A Solid Foundation. ~


Pathway to the beach

We offer personalized, expert individual counseling services with experienced counselors who specialize in a variety of therapeutic techniques to ensure you receive the best quality of care.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Certified CBT techniques will provide you with the skills you need to overcome negative thinking patterns and behaviors that are creating dysfunction in your life. Overcome fears, anxieties, self-limiting beliefs, and negative thoughts.

Acceptance And Commitment Therapy

By combing mindfulness with psychotherapy, you will learn how to change your behaviors that are negatively impacting your quality of life. This type of therapy increasing self-awareness, personal growth, and empowerment.

Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy

This interactive technique aims at resolving emotional and behavioral issues that prevent you from feeling joyful, happy, and at peace in your life. This technique has been proven to lead people to feel more fulfilling lives.

Certified Anxiety Therapy

This technique is specifically tailored to teach you how to overcome panic, fear, worry, and obsessive thoughts. Using evidence-based techniques proven to alleviate anxiety and stress will help you create lasting change.

Women's Counseling

Empowerment through validation will help you ease through any transition in your life. Harness your inner strength from within. Use that power to attract healthy relationships, boost self-worth, and attain the highest level of personal or professional growth with confidence.

Men's Counseling

Solution-focused support. Overcome emotional barriers, build inner confidence, overcome stress, learn to navigate relationships with ease, and gain a new perspective for success.


Our unique approach to coaching, therapy, and counseling in Orlando gives each of our clients a tailor-fit experience. We know that the key to successful therapy is to be able to work outside the box in order to personalize every session just for you. We teach couples, women, and men how to move past barriers quickly. We believe you should thrive, instead of just survive and we will help you get there. We won't be practicing from a one-size-fits-all, medical mental health model, so you can be assured that you will be getting the best quality of care. We have armed ourselves with expert certifications in counseling and additional trainings to ensure that we can reach from our toolbox and give you exactly what you need to get the results you are coming in for. We know that when you choose us, you are choosing to put yourself first, and the investment you make in this process will be returned to you through personal growth, empowerment, and better quality of life!

Partnership Or Individual Work

Whether you are working alone, or with your partner, your relationship expert will work with you to explore your thoughts, perceptions, behaviors, emotions, and aspects from a holistic view. Every area will be explored, validated, and observed to gain optimal functioning. Through couple’s work, our couples therapy experts will help you, and your partner, reach a place of respect and honor that will allow for open communication and needed change. There is no place to blame one another here; There is only the awareness that with personal responsibility, change is possible and the path to healing will become clear.

What Is the Difference Between Psychotherapy and Coaching?


Psychotherapy VS Coaching

The goal of psychotherapy is to find healing in a state of dysfunction, loss, and possibly trauma. As trained professional mental health experts, we will assess and diagnose your problems. We will work collaboratively to develop an individual treatment plan designed specifically for you. Achieving optimal functioning for you and your relationship will be the main goal. This might include addressing mood issues or behaviors that are negatively impacting you or the relationship.


Examples include depression, anxiety, anger issues, or addictions. We might also process past wounds or trauma, either within your relationship, or from the past. This could include exploring family of origin and core beliefs that negatively impact thought patterns and behaviors. If there are unresolved past issues of hurt or pain, then we may work on grief related areas.

Interactive Discovery

Our approach to psychotherapy is very interactive and will involve feedback through keen observational senses. This feedback will help you view yourself and your behaviors more closely. The psychotherapy process often involves an awakening and unveiling of your inner self and requires gentle guidance and the experienced support your therapist can offer. As you, and/or your partner, begin to experience this process, you will be gaining the awareness you need to begin changing behaviors that are problematic. With your newly laid foundation, you will begin to change old destructive patterns into healthy, functional behavior and achieve the life and relationships you truly want.

Goal-Driven, Future Focused

Coaching is different than psychotherapy in the way that sessions are driven. Coaching and counseling therapies are solution-focused, structured, and goal driven. Many couples, women, or men that benefit from coaching might feel they are functioning quite well (surviving) but have a desire to feel better than “well” (THRIVE). They may have achieved many goals with great success and do not have the need for intense Psychotherapy. They have identified issues within themselves or their relationship that they need to change and are ready to make the changes. This process is highly interactive, collaborative, and will provide you with the guidance you need to achieve the goals you are aiming for.

Your Investment in Yourself and Your Relationships

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Investment In You

When you invest in your relationship or yourself through supportive services, you are saying that YOU matter. Making a commitment to achieve optimal functioning within your relationship and yourself is making an investment in your total health and wellness. Ensuring that you do all that you can to get the best quality out of your relationship supports longevity, satisfaction, and a happier, healthier existence. This applies to women and men alike.

Having supportive, positive, loving relationships in our lives, gives us purpose and meaning. Building equity in your relationship requires commitment and doing what it takes to get yourself and your relationship healthy again. The return on your investment is paid out to you through the benefits of a larger, happier, better quality of life.

Orlando Thrive Therapy is a “Fee for Service” counseling office and payment is expected at the beginning of your scheduled service. Fees are tailored to specific services and the length of service. Intake fees will be discussed when you make your first appointment. Future sessions will be discussed with your therapist during that appointment based on your treatment goals. If you are interested in filing a claim with your insurance company for your direct reimbursement for your paid therapy service, your therapist may be able to provide you with a paid invoice for you to attach.

Please call our office today at (407) 592-8997 to take the next step in beginning your journey towards thriving!

Call Us For More Information

(407) 592-8997

Monday-Friday: 8am–8pm

Same Day/Week and Weekend Appointments May Be Available.

Offices located in Downtown Orlando, Winter Park, and Dr. Phillips.