Phases of EMDR Therapy Explained

Phases of EMDR Therapy Explained

Phases of EMDR Therapy Explained

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a relatively new form of therapy that has been found to be extremely effective in treating trauma and other psychological disorders. While it may seem like a strange and unconventional approach, EMDR has been rapidly gaining popularity due to its success rates and the limited amount of time required for treatment. If you are considering EMDR therapy in Winter Park, Florida, this blog post will provide you with a comprehensive guide of the different phases of EMDR therapy.

Phase 1: History and Treatment Planning

The first phase of EMDR therapy involves discussing the patient's history and identifying potential triggers that may be the root cause of their problems. The therapist will take note of the client's past experiences, medical history, behavior, and lifestyle. This phase helps to determine the best course of action for treatment.

Phase 2: Preparation

In the preparation phase, the therapist guides the client through relaxation and coping techniques to ensure they feel safe and can handle any challenging memories that may arise during treatment. The therapist will also teach the client specific visual, auditory, and sensory techniques to help them control their anxiety and stress levels.

Phase 3-6: Treatment

These phases of EMDR include the processing of the traumatic event. The therapist will ask the patient to recall past experiences that have caused them distress and then guide them through the recollection using various techniques. EMDR is unique in that it utilizes eye movements, sound, or other bilateral stimulation to promote communication between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which helps to desensitize traumatic memories. This process allows the patient to reprocess the memory of the traumatic event in a way that neutralizes the negative emotions associated with it.

Phase 7: Closure

The closure phase is essential for completing each therapy session and ensures the client can walk away from the treatment feeling calmer and more grounded. In this stage, the therapist will ask the patient to practice their calming techniques so they can leave the session feeling more relaxed.

Phase 8: Re-evaluation

The final phase of EMDR is re-evaluation. The therapist will assess progress and may go back to previous phases of treatment and work on certain aspects of the trauma that remained unresolved. This phase helps to ensure the client is making meaningful progress and achieving their treatment goals.


EMDR therapy is a powerful form of therapy and may help individuals with a variety of mental health issues. If you are considering EMDR therapy in Winter Park, Florida, it is essential to choose a licensed and experienced therapist. At Orlando Thrive Therapy, we provide you with the guidance and support required to overcome mental health challenges. Our licensed therapists are trained in EMDR therapy and provide a safe and welcoming environment that allows for deep and transformative healing. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please contact us today.

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(407) 592-8997

216 Pasadena Pl
Orlando, Florida 32803
Heather Oller

Heather Oller is the owner and founder of Orlando Thrive Therapy, Coaching, and Counseling. She is a licensed counselor and a family mediator who has over 23 years of dedicated work as a professional in the mental health field. Through her company's mission, she continues to pave the way for future therapists, and their clients, who want a higher quality of life....and who want to thrive, rather than just survive. You can contact Orlando Thrive Therapy at (407) 592-8997 for more information.