Five Ways To Increase Happiness Orlando Thrive Therapy Counseling Advice

Five Ways To Increase Happiness

Orlando Thrive Therapy Counseling Advice

Five Ways To Increase Happiness

You can increase your happiness by making a few changes in self-care. When it comes to living a happy and healthy life style, it requires you to meet not only your physical needs, but also your mental and emotional needs as well. These three areas of your health all feed off of each other, so when one is down, they all are, and this is why self-care is so important and should be incorporated into your day-to-day living. Self-care can mean a plethora of different things for different people, and can also include utilizing the people around you who are in your network of support.

You can increase your happiness by making a few changes in self-care. When it comes to living a happy and healthy life style, it requires you to meet not only your physical needs, but also your mental and emotional needs as well. These three areas of your health all feed off of each other, so when one is down, they all are, and this is why self-care is so important and should be incorporated into your day-to-day living. Self-care can mean a plethora of different things for different people, and can also include utilizing the people around you who are in your network of support.

five ways to start improving happiness today

  1. Meeting your physical needs means eating healthy and exercising regularly, while also listening to your body. It’s not a myth that eating unhealthy foods causes you to feel sluggish and put on extra weight, but researchers are also now suggesting that the food we put into our bodies may very well be the leading cause for many internal illnesses, such as cancer. When eating throughout your day, stick to eating when you’re hungry and avoid eating when you’re not. Choose foods that re-energize your body with nutrients and vitamins, and steer clear from those high in fat and sugar. Those foods with little nutritional value can cause peaks or valleys in your mood and motivation.

  2. It’s also important to have a routine that allows for 8-10 hours of sleep a night and incorporates at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day. Clients are often quick to dismiss the recommendation for added exercise, but research has shown that even a moderate amount of daily physical activity, mild depression will decrease more effectively than using anti-depressant medication. Finding a way to structure your routine to make activity and sleep a priority is the first step in ensuring your body and mind is prepared for anything that comes it’s way. When you are well rested and well energized it makes it easier to fulfill both your mental and emotional needs.

  3. Maintaining a positive mental state of mind involves maintaining healthy cognitive abilities, such as the ability to reason and consciously make good decisions. Often times in order to make a good, conscious decision your emotions need to be in check. Expressing your emotions in a healthy and appropriate way is the key to meeting your emotional needs. When your emotional needs are not being met, it can cause you to feel low energized and think irrationally, hindering both your physical and mental states. However, when we lack a healthy mental state and go about making poor or irrational decisions, this will then cause a negative emotional response, and even a physical response. It’s also no secret that when we eat too little, or over eat, we lack any energy to move or think properly in general. See how clear it is that all three departments of self-care balance off of one another, and that it’s important to attend to them?

  4. To keep the positive vibes in and the negative vibes out to create a happy, healthy mental state of mind you need to take initiative of your life and start living for YOU! One way to do is this is by finding something you truly enjoy like a fun, leisure activity. Find an activity or hobby you love to do, and then DO IT! But, make sure this activity is done solely for your own happiness and no one else’s, that is key.

  5. Mindful meditation and relaxation exercises are another great way of keeping your mental state positive. The University of Oregon researchers found that certain mindful meditation techniques, such as integrative body-mind training, can actually result in positive brain adaptations that can be protective against mental illness. These exercises and techniques not only protect the mind but also increase body-awareness, self-awareness, regulation of emotion, and regulation of attention. If you’re weary or unsure of exactly how to go about meditation and relaxation techniques, yoga is a great place to start, as well as the plethora of apps in the app store geared towards mindful meditation. Since licensed counselors do not prescribe medication, most will be skilled in helping you navigate relaxation techniques to naturally alleviate stress or anxiety.

Mental Health Therapy in Orlando can help you increase your happiness

Finding the right balance will increase your happiness.

When it comes to balancing all of your needs, overall self-care is the key. The way you care and treat yourself should be your number one priority. When you are happier, the people around you are happier, and it is easier to care for your loved ones. Finding ways to alleviate stress from your daily life is the best way to start your self-care treatment. Whether it means cutting out something you truly don’t need or desire, or taking a yoga class at your local gym, getting rid of added stress will bring you one step closer to a peaceful state of mind.

Once you’ve gotten rid of added stress, the next step would be to really just do the things you love in a healthy manner. Doing things that make you happy will, well, make you happy (DUH!)! Just keep in mind that too much of anything is unhealthy, and the best way to do things is in moderation. This all being said, life often comes with daily challenges that result in unhappy emotions and thoughts. It’s okay to feel sad or mad, or any other emotion and what may work for one person, may not work for someone else. Emotions are normal and healthy. It is how you respond to those emotions that may be damaging you more, or just plain ineffective.

Contact a mental health therapist or counselor at Orlando Thrive Therapy today to get your life back on track. Email or call 407-592-8997

Sometimes it’s hard to identify your needs, especially when you’re constantly putting others’ needs before yours. If this sounds like you then reach out for that helping hand. You deserve to be cared for by you, just as much as you care for those around you. Mental health counselors at Orlando Thrive Therapy provide that support to their clients by helping clients develop insight into behaviors that might be negatively impacting their self-care. (This article was submitted by guest blogger, Ashley Campo, UCF Counseling student)

To speak to a mental health therapist or counselor at Orlando Thrive Therapy, Coaching & Counseling email or call 407-592-8997.

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(407) 592-8997

216 Pasadena Pl
Orlando, Florida 32803
Heather Oller

Heather Oller is the owner and founder of Orlando Thrive Therapy, Coaching, and Counseling. She is a licensed counselor and a family mediator who has over 23 years of dedicated work as a professional in the mental health field. Through her company's mission, she continues to pave the way for future therapists, and their clients, who want a higher quality of life....and who want to thrive, rather than just survive. You can contact Orlando Thrive Therapy at (407) 592-8997 for more information.