Dealing With Anxiety In Orlando

Dealing With Anxiety In Orlando

Dealing With Anxiety In Orlando

Anxiety symptoms can go from manageable to debilitating very quickly if they are not handled with the right care. Anxiety or stress management often goes overlooked until it is too late. The symptoms of anxiety can range from rapid heart rate, racing thoughts, mental fatigue, panic, dry mouth, confusion, irritability, to many others. It can be so overwhelming that you might not be able to function as well as you were before. Your relationships, work, or other areas might progressively suffer if you don’t seek the right mental health help for anxiety.

The reasons that people suffer from anxiety are many. What is known is that thinking patterns, or how a person perceives reality and what they tell themselves about that “reality,” greatly influences their anxiety levels. While there are specific medical issues that can mimic anxiety symptoms (for example, low iron/anemia or thyroid malfunctions), there is more research to indicate that thought patterns/habits contribute to anxiety disorders. Furthermore, someone who suffers from anxiety might be tempted to blame it on “genetics.” This mindset might inhibit them from seeking the best anxiety therapy, such as CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), rather than using medication alone.

Reasons for Anxiety

  • Unmanaged Stress

    Stress is a precursor for anxiety. Physical and emotional health is greatly impacted by the demands of work stress, family demands, relationship issues, and other life events. Experiencing daily stress, or stress from a sudden event increases the possibility that a person will develop anxiety symptoms.

  • Poor Coping Skills

    Coping skills are learned behaviors that people use to deal with stress. When you were not taught effective ways to deal or cope with stress, anxiety can begin to develop. Positive coping skills can be practiced and are part of a healthy self-care routine.

  • Poor Self-Care

    Self-care is critical for good physical and emotional health. This key element to wellness is often the first thing that is overlooked in daily life. Nutrition, exercise, mindfulness, connection with others, sleep, leisure time, etc., all greatly influence the body’s ability to counteract stress effects.

  • Environmental Factors

    The environment you live in, work in, or were raised in has a greater influence on your likelihood to develop anxiety than your genes do. If you are doing all that you can think of to change, but are still feeling anxious, then it might be time to check the environment you keep returning to.

  • Poor Nutrition

    Anxiety symptoms can be aggravated by dietary factors. For example, too much caffeine can increase heart rate or cause skipped beats. Too much refined sugar can make your mind race or cause mental fatigue. Finding balance in your diet can help stabilize your blood sugar, maintain your energy, and help with sleep cycles.

  • Lack of Exercise

    The purpose of exercise is not just for maintaining weight or physical health. Exercise mimics stress on the body and “teaches” the body how to deal with those effects. Even taking a short, 15-minute brisk walk benefits your body’s ability to counteract stress hormones.

Anxiety Treatments

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

    The best treatment for anxiety has been shown to be Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. In acute anxiety, this can be combined with anti-anxiety medication to receive the most benefits in the least amount of time. In chronic anxiety, other medications combined with CBT, have shown to decrease the need for long term medication use.

  • Practice Daily Wellness

    Mind, body, and soul need balance for overall wellness. These three elements can be easily neglected during busier times in life. It can also be easy to revert back to negative coping skills. Psychotherapy teaches a person how to use positive coping skills, and how to change negative thinking habits. Without professional therapeutic help for anxiety, it can be hard to conquer alone.

  • Support Systems

    Anxiety likes to be alone. Isolating from others, avoiding social events, ignoring invitations, etc., are all ways that people try to deal with their symptoms. Seeking support and help is the best solution for dealing with anxiety.

  • Get Help

    If you are dealing with anxiety and are in need of a counselor in Orlando, call Orlando Thrive Therapy today. We have anxiety therapy treatments, such as CBT, that can be done in-office, or remotely from the comfort of your home. We want to help you get your life back. You can call or email us today for more information.

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(407) 592-8997

216 Pasadena Pl
Orlando, Florida 32803
Heather Oller

Heather Oller is the owner and founder of Orlando Thrive Therapy, Coaching, and Counseling. She is a licensed counselor and a family mediator who has over 23 years of dedicated work as a professional in the mental health field. Through her company's mission, she continues to pave the way for future therapists, and their clients, who want a higher quality of life....and who want to thrive, rather than just survive. You can contact Orlando Thrive Therapy at (407) 592-8997 for more information.